Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What Does Achievement Mean to You?

The question I present in my title is an interesting one to me. This is because the answers vary greatly between any and all individuals. My answers may be totally different from yours, yet we are both right!

One problem this may present is that there are times when the answers to this question are difficult to determine. Also, sometimes it is difficult to outline exactly what achievement and success is for a particular situation.

 I was reminded of this situation as I was reading an excellent book called, Ensure Your Dream Life With the Law of Attraction In one of chapters there is a section that not only addresses this topic, but provides some excellent questions to ponder in order to develop an idea what success and achievement are for your situation. I now share these questions for you to consider:

* What do you want to do with your time?
* Who do you want as your clients and customers? (or if you're not in business, who do you want to positively impact?)
* How much money do you want to make?
* What charities would you give to?
* What kind of lifestyle do you want?

The book suggests that you not only ponder and answer these questions, but to also use them to visualize the success you desire. For example, once you consider what you want to be able to do with your time, visualize yourself spending your time that way. See yourself helping the number of people you want to help. See yourself enjoying the benefits of your desired income.

The bottom line is that achievement and success mean anything you believe they mean. These questions can be used as a guide to help you determine what success is in your endeavor, and to help you get started and taking action towards reaching it.

Besides the book noted above, there are other resources that can help you reach your goals, and do so as quickly as possible. I recommend this free e-book that can guide you towards the success you are seeking. The Ease and Keys of Rapid Manifestation. Achievement and success are yours. It's up to you to pursue and reach them : )

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